this is Elder Pyeatt everyone says we look alike he just finished the mission.
Letters and pictures from Brady Leon Stewart-Chester. He has chosen to leave the comforts of home to bring people unto Christ in the beautiful country of Uruguay.
leaving on a jet plane.....
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Well are you all ready to hear what happened this week?? I had a little bit of a crazy experience the other day as I assumed that we were staying, me and and my companion, together this next change because I had not recieved a call from President. Then, while talking to the sister missionaries in my zone, she told me that I was going to be a zone leader in a different zone. My heart exploded because I was and am not ready to leave yet. But she acted like it was common knowledge and she shares her area with the office elders so I thought oh my they forgot to call me I am going to Colonia. I got on my knees praying for strength and pouring my heart out to Heavenly Father telling Him even though He moved me arround so much in the mission I would go and I would do what He needed of me. Then I talked to the Assistants and I am staying here in Oeste!!!! yayayaya!!
I was mostly bummed because a young guy called Jonathan we have been working with here is going to baptised this week and after an amazing lesson with the bishop Sunday he told us that he wanted me to baptise him. I love him and will send you pictures next week. He is extremely prepared and now we are just working on getting the support of the young adults in the ward to bring him under their wing.
We had a lot of spiritual experiences this week. Luckily I keep a great journal and am on my 7th Journal and it will be my last. Just like the 7 harry potter books:) We are really finding miracles all over the place. We are teaching the husband of a recent convert who is a really great guy and this week we hit a breakthrough in the teaching. He has been praying a ton to get this job he wants and had a huge spiritual experience praying. He felt God's love envelope him and give him the comfort he needed. He has said to his wife that he is going to get baptised!! He just wants to wait a little bit more.
Our zone has changed quite a bit and hopefully for the better. I talked to an elder last night that thanked me for all our support and told me that we were the best zone leaders he has had in the mission. I fight back tears just thinking about it. It helps you to know that we are here for a reason a Devine one.
Well I have tons to do today I want to tell you all that I love you so much I see pictures that my mom sends of you all and it brings me to tears to see you all grow up and see those of you on the mission giving all your work. I feel your prayers. I need them. I know that it is your prayers that cause me to look back on days and think to myself how in the world did I get through all that and everything went so smooth!
i love you remember that always.
Elder Stewart-Chester
visitors center in the chappel
my echos I do´t use anymore
Elder McCraney visted us here in Uruguay this week I love that Guy!
Zone Oeste!!!!!!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Honestly It feels like yesterday I emailed.
The weeks blur by I am so slammed with things too that It just rockets by. It helps that my comp is the best and we are always laughing so hard I pray I get to stay with him this next change as well. I love the work it goes well.
Well first Mom I dont think you should take pictures of fletcher in his undies a little wierd. hahah I talked to president about BYU I think you have to complete the process up to a certain point and then he goes in and adds his endorsment.
This week was hecktick as usual. saturday we had an awesome day and we did another visitors center in a ward in our zone that asked us to help them out. We were in charge of the reference table and we worked the crowd for references. The bishop of their ward was more than a stud. He stood outside the entire time and invited people on the street to come and check it all out. Lots came through and i´m pretty sure people that were prepared. Also in the middle of their visitors center they had a family be baptised all together. Pure awesomeness because there was like 100 people there and lots that were not members.
Anyway a little bit on the work here in our area. Well, it goes really well we have jonathan Like I talked to you all about in the last couple of weeks progressing very well. He should be baptised the 31st. He is excited. We taught some commandments to him this last week that as a twenty year old man were very different from the way he had been living. But he is extremely prepared and willingly excepted after we explained it to him. In the beginning he thought we were joking hahaha I love him he is someone I will never forget. Next step for us to make sure he has tons of support and always continues coming to church for all his life.
Oh X Elder Eliott wrote me and says that he wants to visit you he is going to BYU right now I am going to send him our home adress ok:)
Elder McCraney is here in South America this week and we are going to go out to eat with him and his family Thursday!! Super Excited! Next week we have changes in the mission so I am going to be writing on Tuesday btw.
What else.. hmm oh my goodness how could I forget this last week I did divisions and met a new hero. WOW His name not quite sure but he goes by Tito. He is an old man that can barely walk. He is a recent convert of some elders here and he is such a wonderful peron. he can barely walk he has a walker and it takes forever to walk a couple of meters. But he from when the missionaries first found him gets up early and begins his super long walk at 7 so that he can make it to church at 9 walking like a tortoise. That is not all people in the ward have begged him to let them come and pick him up but he refuses. Every step he prays to our heavenly father for help and that is why I will never forget him either. He was telling us about how amazing the temple experience was for him to do baptisms he wanted to stay there he said. That is a man who understands what all this means the Gospel the Church all of it is worth the lorg struggle he makes to church every week. I hope you all think of him as you drive to church next week only a couple of block away. There is too much we take for granted in this world.
This Church is so true I have had so many experiences lately with the Lord whispering a thought in my head and so that is what we act upon and it all goes so well!! There is no way I could do all I have to here without my Heavenly father and heck of a lot of prayer.
I love you all so much I am so grateful that I have all of you in my life:)
Elder Stewart-Chester
Monday, August 12, 2013
Well folks
Howdy Yall.
I had one crazy week let me tell you. But before I get to my week, questions need to be answered.
I already sent my essays last week mom so they should be there at the house soon. Edit them make sure they are not too long etc. I love you for doing that. I also talked to presidente and he said you have to start the process and then he will go in and add his part. I also am figuring out what I need to do to work in the MTC in Provo and even though they only take the best I am going to give it a good go:)
And Dad you asked about my birthday... it is hard to really think of anything I want or need. I will need lots of things when I get home but idk things I would like are magic the gathering Cards to open up and money so I can buy gifts for everyone.
Ok my week was nuts. After p-day, we are not quite sure why, but my companion got super sick Tuesday. It was so bad in fact that we spent a lot of tuesday in the hospital because his stomach was in a ton of pain and his body was rejecting everything he put into it. It turned out that it was just a virus and not too bad as we thought. But Wednesday was a little hard too. Wednesday I invited an awesome ex-missionary in our ward who was Assistant in the other Uruguay mission to speak to our zone. It was more of a pep talk because Zone conference was going to be Friday. It was awesome.
Friday President showed our zone and The zone of Cerro what he had taught to all the leaders in the capacitation we had. And wow was it amazing. Me and my comp had to do the first demonstration of the new way we are teaching the first lesson to an investigator. It was nerve wracking because we taught president and like 60 missionaries were watching and taking notes but let me tell you the lord has brought me a long way has given me lots of courage and strenth and the spirit is the real teacher anyway. Me and my companion had practiced a lot and we also practised with the assistants so it went really well and the missionaries really enjoyed what president had prepared.
It was a day filled with the spirit. Strong testimonies and how I love zone conference. Next Zone conference will be my last and I cannot believe it... Time has flown.
We also had some great experiences with some of our investigators this week. Roberto who was going to baptized this last week is having some troubles so we are going to fast with him today and help him to recognize his answer.
Remember that story last week about Jonathan who I reminded to pay attention to the spirit. Well saturday we had a lesson with him and he informed us that he recieved a huge answer from the spirit he said it was the best thing he has ever felt. I sat there and thought to myself that is what it is all about helping people feel that! How I love being a missionary. THe Church is true ladies in gentlemen and if you dont believe me the only thing you can do is get on your knees and ask God the answer comes but only to those who seek it DILIGENTLY. It came to me after I was in the 70´s of D&C after reading the whole Book of Mormon and asking God every day if it was true and fasting twice!
Ask God
I love you all like Crazy!! You are my prized possessions
Elder Stewart-Chester
Monday, August 5, 2013
WEll you are going to have to forgive me with little time to spare this will be a short email.
I have gotten better at typing though mom so thats good hopefully I can get a lot across.
Today was extremely weird day. We went back to me and Elder Miranda´s old area in Cerro and truely I felt like I did not belong there. That could have had something to do with a random kid slapping me in the face as he walked by and he said something dark? But it was more because , i dont know, I am not in control of the salvation of the people in that area anymore. It was weird to visit and think it has been 8 months since I was there in Cerro. I saw a family who had a young daughter and truely she changed completely. It started me thinking about Bo and Ted and everyone how weird it will be to see you all grown up. So yah the problem was we just got caught there for too long. My companion was there for 6 months while I was only there for 1 and a half so there was a lot to talk about. The sad thing is we could not get a lot done.
But anyway this week was a really good one, lots of divisions hard work and we had another visitors center in our chapel for the other ward that shares our chapel that was awesome. We had some good investigators there. I have come to find that truely the way to teach someone the gospel involves two things creating a spiritual experience and then helping them recognize that what they feel is the spirit. Honestly ever since the capacitation from our president I have had lots of spiritual experiences. And, do you know what changed? It was me. In the lessons i started asking them to get on their knees and ask God. And after they did so, I did not say WoW that was a great prayer and give them a high five, but instead I would say, how do you feel? It has changed everything. We need to help the world to stop what they`re doing and listen God lives and loves us and has all the answers but we have to stop and ask ourselves how do I feel is this what they are saying is true?
Something that happened in the visitors center was one of our awesome investigators called Jonathan went and in the middle of the tour the spirit was very strong and in the middle I stopped the sister missionaries that were explaining and said to him wait a minute how do you feel and then I reminded him that the way we feel is the way God responds to us. He felt the spirit.
Something pretty cool is there is a sister missionary called hermana Olson that is from Vegas and guess who gave her her patriarcal blessing? yep Grandad! The world is very small. It looks like we will be having a baptism this saturday but it is still pending . I`ll let you know. He is a very prepared man called Roberto.
I love you all I have no time to write anyone forgive me all of you
Next time.
I love you the Church is true
Elder Stewart-Chester
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